Felling & Dismantling
Regrettably, trees sometimes have to be removed. This might be because they are hazardous due to disease, storm damage or advanced age. Sometimes trees are unsuitable for their location due to poor planting decisions or need to be removed to make way for development.
The simplest method of removing a tree is to fell it. This effectively means putting a directional cut in the base of the tree and allowing it to fall to the ground in the intended direction . However, this can only be done where there is sufficient space and there are no obstacles or items which could be damaged. In the majority of garden situations felling is simply not an option due to space constraints.

Consequently, most trees in gardens need to be systematically dismantled by cutting them into smaller sections that can be safely moved to the ground from where they can be processed and removed from site. This can be achieved by climbing the tree using ropes and a harness or by using MEWPs (Mobile Elevated Work Platforms) depending on the accessibility of the tree and its condition.
In some cases, where there are no obstacles beneath the tree, it is possible to allow the sections to fall to the ground - a technique known as 'freefall'. Alternatively, branches can be cut into hand-held sections and be thrown or dropped into a safe drop zone. This is only a possibility where damage can be avoided such as in the middle of a lawn or on a suitable hard surface.
Where trees are located above roofs, greenhouses or other obstacles, or where tree sections are too heavy to avoid damage to surfaces, we use rigging ropes and pulleys to safely lower the sections to the ground in a controlled manner. Timber can be extremely heavy and consequently significant forces are generated when carrying out these operations. This requires specialised equipment and training to complete safely. Arborglyph carries equipment capable of lifting and lowering sections weighing several hundred kilos at a time. However, we always ensure that a tree is capable of absorbing the forces placed on it.
Whatever the size of the tree or its location, we can work out a solution to safely remove it. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.